This blog started as one thing and has become another. I hope it blesses you, makes you laugh more then it makes you cry. I pray my spelling mistakes do not make you scream because there will be many. Come and visit my world for a bit.
As the weeks have turned into months of blogging, I have come to love being on here and sharing the rest of me. The notes and asides of a life full of teaching and learning.
You see, writing a book on caregiving for our generation is one of the greatest gifts I have ever had. But even in the years as a caregiver, I was a still me...nurse, friend, off key singer in the choir. Today, I am still me too...wife, mom, nurse, writer, speaker but first and formost, daughter of the King of Kings. Child of God is the only title I will not have to give back someday.
So join me for a bit of learning and I hope some laughter, as I work to become a grown up, middle-aged Proverbs 31 Lady!