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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

No stats...

It would seem my premature eblogulation trend continues. I just accidentally deleted the stat counter on the blog while I attempted to be all blog savvy and add a new button from my all time favorite blog designer, Crissy. Sigh. I get rather klutzy during my PMS week, as evidenced by my deletion. It' s evident if you follow my calender and most of you don't, thus the explanation.

I learned years ago to not attempt to make big decisions or make major changes during PMS week. Some of the all time worst hair cuts ( like the bad perm of '85) were chosen by me during that one week period right before my period. I know not to go shopping for any major purchase that week or to even think about purchasing a pair of jeans. Grocery shopping should be safe, right? No. Everything will be salty or sweet.
The week I approached John about letting the kids return to school after our adventure into homeschooling, he gently asked what time of the month it was...we all know how brave he was for asking too. Had it been that bad week out of the month, the man may have been killed.

But what of that stat counter? There have been times I loved it. I love that the last time I checked it was over 3,000. That is not a completely accurate number as it also counts the number of times I have come on to check for comments or to post. But still, someone is reading this blog and that blesses me. I pray it means the blog has blessed those who read it.

For a second I thought about getting a new one. And then I decided not to do so even though I know the date on the calender.

I am not so sure what the Lord has planned for us right now. Last night I was reading an old journal from the spring of 2005. It was so full of angst. I was begging and pleading for God to move us on from the house we were in. In a little bit of my defense, the house was extremely tiny for the 7 of us. I was very specific in my request: Bigger house, a pool, a bigger kitchen, and a new school district.

I had no way of knowing that 6 months later I would get all of those things I had told God I was desperate for...I had no way of knowing that our whole world would rock apart and the loses we would have to go through as we gained that list.

My journal after the move was very different then it was before. Humbled, broken, mercified. I had seen the Glory of God and I was changed forever...except that I have begun to grow restless again.

I have always had wanderlust in my heart. I've always been waiting for the next great thing. "Send me!" I would holler to Heaven like God is my travel agent and I am getting ready for the booking to adventure...

"The hum-drum of everyday life done well." That is something my mom prayed for me everyday. I still struggle with everydayness. But I am learning.

So I am not going to count how many people have read here. I am going to continue to write unto the Lord and ask Him if I can bless Him with this little gift that He gave me. I am going to ask Him if He can use it to His glory, not mine. I pray it blesses the readers and my Creator. If the big publisher doesn't call, that's okay. I really should so some laundry anyway. I have this great life here and have found myself becoming more and more content in spite of my discontent.

Let my life be a living prayer and the stats won't matter. After all, He is quite fond of me.


P.S. When I get to Glory, as the smell of bacon wafting through the air greats me, I just know the angels singing will sound like this. Yes, Heaven will have both bacon and Alison Krauss.


Jenn said...

The big publisher already called...of the publishing house of God my friend! Hello world...wait to see where our friend Maryellen breaks barriers and defines a new outlook for many. God bless you!

Maryellen said...

♥ you too!

Sharon said...

Oh, how I related to your words today! (Except for the PMS - I hit menopause 5 years ago - good, yes, except now I have NO EXCUSE for my moodiness!)
Thank you for reminding me once again that God is really the ONLY audience that matters...(but know that I'm listening to you, too!)

Keep doing the hum-drum well, my sister!

Sharon said...

Oh, how I could relate to your words today! (Except for the PMS - I hit menopause 5 years ago - good, yes, except now I have NO EXCUSE for my moodiness!
Thank you for reminding me that God is the only audience that matters...(but know that I'm reading and enjoying you, too!)

Keep doing the hum-drum well, my sister!


Maryellen said...

LOL! It is all about doing it well by grace isn't it? xoxo